a very special e-book release

Modern Witchcraft

by Aurora Fidelio

A complete guide to fulfill your magical potential and harness love, wealth and happiness.

Become more confident, more powerful, and more in tune with your true self.

Embrace Your Inner Magic

🔮 Embark on a journey of empowerment with elder witch Aurora Fidelio✨ Manifest your desires and achieve your dreams with ancient wisdom🌌 Tap into the universe's power to create the life you truly want

Unleash The Goddess is Within You

💖 Discover spells and charms to attract abundance, love and joy.🌿 Connect with the elements and your inner goddess.🌙 Cultivate a daily practice to stay focused on your goals.

Dive into Mystical Magic

📚 Indulge in Aurora's caring tone and powerful knowledge.🔮 Embrace crystal, herb, candle, tarot, moon, ancestor, and elemental magic.✨ Unveil the secrets to a more fulfilling and enchanting life.

2025 (2+2+0+5=9). This is a year of Completion, Transformation, and Spiritual Growth!
Numerology's sacred number 9 symbolizes wisdom, enlightenment, and the end of cycles—inviting you to release the old and make space for profound new beginnings.

Get "Modern Witchcraft" for $9.99 and welcome magic in your life

About The Author

The author of this book, known only by the enigmatic name of Aurora Fidelio, has led a life shrouded in secrecy and mystique. From a young age, she was drawn to the mystic arts, but her journey took her down a darker path, one of black magic and the shadows that lurk in the corners of the soul.It was only through grit, determination, and a transformational shift that Aurora found her way to the light. And now, she shares the secrets of her journey with you, in the pages of this book.Aurora is a practicing witch who has chosen to break her usual secrecy and come forward with this powerful guide. In these turbulent times, she believes that we need more practicing witches to lead the world towards love, compassion, and abundance. And she knows that this book can be the beacon of light to guide you on your own journey towards the path of the witch divine.